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Ready for Fall?

By: Sydney Richter

The end of the summer is unpredictable when it comes to your lawn. It might be plush and green or it’s dry and covered in patches. As fall rolls around, make sure you’re ready for the season ahead. Get a head start before the first freeze. Make sure your property is ready with fall landscaping service. End the season right so your lawn survives the winter.

First, make sure to assess the state of your lawn after the growing season. Check the results of all your hard spring and summer work and prepare your garden for the spring.


You might need to add mulch to parts of your landscape, and now is the perfect time to do it.


Make sure to monitor moisture levels of your lawn, even if you think it might not need it. In the heat of the end of summer, your plants could use some extra love. Make sure they stay watered from rainfall or by water.

The state of your lawn might be calling for irrigation. While sprinklers are a good temporary solution to a brown yard, keeping your plants and lawn hydrated is best achieved through proper irrigation. If your grass is beginning to brown, prep it for fall by using an irrigation system. Proper irrigation allows your lawn to soak up water deeply where it can become green again for fall.

Let it grow

Many people prefer to keep their grass short, in turn allowing more time in between mows. Keeping your lawn short is not healthy for your lawn, as it will become dried out and brown. Letting your grass grow a bit longer will create a healthy, plush lawn.

If needed, sow cold season grasses to give your lawn the opportunity to develop roots before the freezing temperatures arrive. It is also a great time to fertilize and plant new shrubs. The fall is the best time for the tree, as it will help establish the roots before the ground freezes.

Pests aren’t gone quite yet…

Pests thrive in the summertime, feeding on your trees, shrubs, and plants. Make sure you are monitoring the pests on your property and keeping a close eye on your plants to keep them safe from predators. Make sure to also monitor the overall health of your plants and check for any diseases. For pest control solutions, give us a call.

Clean Up

At the end of summer, your yard may become littered with branches and debris. Make sure you check your trees for dead limbs and clear them. If left, the limbs will break from thunderstorms and lack proper hydration. Weed and get rid of any dead plants, leaves, and branches.

Time for a trim

While you’re checking your trees for dead limbs, prune any plants and bushes that might be interfering with sidewalks, Air conditioner units, or] invading your home. The end of summer is the perfect time to do this so your property is prepped for fall.

Don’t forget your property

Windows, roof, walls, leaves, debris from gutters and downspouts.

Plan Ahead

At the end of summer, the best thing you can do to stay proactive in the fall and winter is to think about the future of your home and landscape. Make decisions about any landscape or property changes you plan to implement. Reach out to us and we can prepare your lawn for the beauty and bloom of spring.